Manhoover Records and Universal Music Publishing presents The Zoo
The Zoo was formed some years ago by the band's songwriters Albin and David. At first the sound was some kind of freaked out electro-punk. Soon the songs became more guitar-based while still retaining the same energy and directness. Giri and Haze subsequently joined the band and several successful gigs followed all around Stockholm's club scene.
When two of The Zoo's demos were put on heavy rotation on several radio stations, record labels and music publishers got in touch with the group. The Zoo decided to co-work with Universal Music Publishing and release their debut album "We Can´t Wait" on their own label Manhoover Records. "We Can´t Wait" was released on the 1th of march 2009 in Sweden and will be released in Japan in the summer of 2009.
The album has been critically acclaimed and the first single "Stay Until The Morning" has been on rotation on Sweden’s biggest radio stations since release. The second single "Girls On MTV" was released along with a promotional video on the 25th of may 2009.
The Zoo startades för några år sedan av bandets låtskrivare Albin och David. Soundet var då någon form av utflippad electro-punk. Med tiden blev låtarna mer gitarrbaserade, dock behölls energin och låtarnas direkthet. Giri och Haze, vilka Albin hade spelat med i ett flertal andra band, anslöt sig till bandet och flera lyckade spelningar genomfördes på Stockholms klubbar.
När ett par av The Zoo’s demos under en tid började spelas flitigt på radio hörde flera skivbolag och musikförlag av sig till The Zoo. Bandet valde att samarbeta med Universal Music Publishing och sedermera även med sig själva i det egna bolaget Manhoover Records. The Zoo har under tiden med inspelningen av debutalbumet även medverkat i morgon-TV och blivit föremål för reportage i musikprogram i TV4.
"Man är alltid på jakt efter att skriva den ultimata 3-minuterspoplåten" säger The Zoo som är stora fans av 60-talets låtskrivartradition. Albin, David, Giri och Haze har tidigare turnerat flitigt i Sverige och utomlands med andra band och artister. Tillsammans har de gjort flera tusen spelningar vilket givit en stor rutin. Dock är det med det egna bandet The Zoo som energin och viljan att möta publiken blir som störst.
The Zoo består av Albin Johansson på sång och gitarr, David Eriksson på gitarr och orgel, Andreas Giri på bas och Hans ”Haze” Sjölander på trummor.
News »
"Stay Until The Morning" will be featured on compilation album "Powerpop Candy Vol.1". The album will be on sale starting 11/11/09.
As stated by label: "V.A. "POWERPOP CANDY Vol.1 - The Very Best Of Powerpop, Pop-punk, and Electro-pop -" feat. 17 BEST pop'n rock artists from all over the world !!" Check out the album HERE!
"Girls On MTV" music video has now been on rotation for a couple of weeks on both MTV Japan and Space Shower TV. In addition, Space Shower TV has also started to broadcast "Stay Until The Morning" music video.
The music video for "Stay Until The Morning" can now be seen 1-2 times a day on both MTV Japan and Space Shower TV.
Pictures from Japan
Here are some pictures of The Zoo in Japanese stores uploaded by Vecca Records:
The Zoo will release the debut album "We Can't wait" in Japan on the 19th of August on the Japanese record label Vecca Records.
"Girls on MTV single release on May 25th
On the 25th of May The Zoo will release their second single "Girls On MTV", taken from the debut album "We Can't Wait".
The Zoo signed by Japanese label
The Zoo has signed a contract with Japanese record company Vecca Records. "We Cant Wait" will be launched in Japan towards the end of the summer 2009.
The promotional video for "Girls On MTV" is now shot. The video is directed by The Zoo and Jon Ohlsson. Big thanks to Kate Karlsson for make-up and hair, Jimmy Hansen and crew for studio time and support and Ligistfilm for consulting time, lightning and technical support.
"We Cant Wait" gets 4/5 in a review in Rocky. Go and buy the magazine! :)
"Stay Until The Morning" has now been on rotation on P3 for 2 months. In may, The Zoo will release their second single. More info on this soon.
The Zoo gets a positive review in magazine Read the review here...
The Zoo gets 8/10 in a review in Zero Magazine. To read the whole review click here.
Single "Stay Until The Morning" has been picked up by several local radio stations around Sweden. Three of these stations have placed the single on their "A-list".
The first single "Stay until the morning" from the new album "We can't wait" has been picked up by one of the biggest radio stations in Sweden.
"Probably the best powerpop band in Scandinavia" according to magazine Nöjesguiden!
Swedish magazine Nöjesguiden writes in a review about The Zoo's latest album "We can't wait" that The Zoo is "probably the best powerpop band in Scandinavia".
Stay Until The Morning 3000+ views in 3 days!
Promotional video for "Stay Until The Morning" has generated more than 3000 views in 3 days! Youtube viewcount seem to be frozen but using Insight it shows that the count is more than 3000! Thank you all for watching.
Promotional video for "Stay Until The Morning" available now
A promotional video for single "Stay Until The Morning" has been uploaded on Youtube. The video, directed by Clas Lundin, was recorded in november 2008 by Ligistfilm. The Zoo would like to thank Jasmin Stemberg-Fischer for her participation. And also a huge thank you to Jimmy Hansen and the Ligistfilm crew.
The Zoo Releases Album and Single on March 1th
The Zoo will release their long awaited debut album We Can..t Wait and single Stay Until The Morning on march 1th 2009. Physical albums will be available from CDON and selected record stores, downloads will be available from ITunes and streaming will be available from Spotify. A Promotional video for Stay Until The Morning will be distributed for television broadcasting.
"Stay Until The Morning" single/promotional video out in February 2009
The single "Stay Until The Morning" and forthcoming album "We Cant Wait" will be released on Manhoover Records in Sweden. The promotional video for "Stay Until The Morning", recorded in november 2008, is undergoing final editing and will be distributed for television broadcasting in january 2009.